For Admissions:
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Every student must attend the classes in his/her assigned batch only.
Student must attend the classes & Test Series regularly. Student and Parents/Guardians will be solely responsible for student’s absenteeism from the classes and Test Series. We do not undertake any responsibility to inform them.
Students must maintain a strict discipline. Defaulter students will be restricted from the institute without refund of fee.
Home work assigned must be tried sincerely & when asked must be shown during lecture.
The instructions communicated through Notice Board should be followed in right spirit.
Enrolled students are expected to progress satisfactorily. Any student, whose record falls below the minimum acceptable standard, will be asked to withdraw from the institute. In such cases fees paid will not be refunded.
If a student is found to have got admission by way of forged marks sheets, signature of parents etc., his/her studentship will be terminated and full fee will be forfeited.
Our course material is exclusively for the use of our bona-fide students only. It shall not be redistributed, sold, loaned or copied. If a student is found to have allowed our study material to be misused, his / her enrolment with Spirowill be terminated without refund of fee and action will be taken against such student as per copy right act. Our decision in such case will be final.
Before seeking admission, read & understand fee refund rules contained in this Information Booklet, Fee will be refunded strictly as per fee refund rules.
If there is a change in the syllabus during the academic session, the institute shall make all possible efforts to cover the revised syllabus. However, it will not be binding on the institute and no obligation for any such commitment shall be entertained in any case.
We reserve the right to deny admission to a student without giving any reason.
We reserve the right to make additions and alterations in the Rules, Working hours, Time Table and Test Series as may be deemed necessary from time to time without any prior information.
In matters not covered in above rules and regulations, the decision of Director, Spiroshall be final and binding to students and their guardians.
The Identity Card & Digital Attendance Card
On fee deposition, student will be provided a temporary ID card to attend the classes until s/he gets the permanent Digital ID Card.
Student has to return temporary ID card on receipt of “permanent ID Card + Digital Attendance Card”. On the loss of Temporary ID card Rs 100/- will be charged as fine.
Every student must show his/her I-card while entering into the Institute premises.
Student without I-card will not be allowed to attend the classes. Fine of Rs.50/- per day will be charged when student forgets to bring I-card.
Duplicate I-card will be issued on cash payment of fine of Rs.300/- in case if a student loses I-card/Digital Attendance Card.
Admission Kit
After fee deposition, student should collect admission kit from Kit distribution counter.
This kit consists of first set of study material, academic circulars, class time table & periodic tests schedule along with Institute Bag.
All these are provided to student by institute at free of cost.
For Regular Coaching Students
Student has a choice to select between Shirt/T-Shirt for boys and Salwar-Suit/T-Shirt for girls.
Uniform will be made available to the student at a nominal cost (Rs 250/-) per item.
Please note that uniform is compulsory. Student not wearing uniform will not be allowed to enter the Institute premises.
For Residential Coaching Students
Faculty, Teaching Methodology, Study Material, Periodic Tests, Performance Feedback, Personal care and Other Features:
Please read division wise section in the beginning of this booklet and details in brochure.
The Classes:
Batch wise classes will be held in Morning or Evening sessions.
Classes will be held daily for each subject. Duration of each class is 1½ Hrs. There are two Breaks of 10 Minutes between the classes.
Revision Classes / Special Classes / Extra Classes are also arranged for few selected topics for the benefit of students (if required).
School Admission for
Regular Coaching Format
Student is free to take admission in any school.
Assistance is provided in getting admission in CBSE affiliated school (Global Public School) managed by Spirogroup or in other CBSE / State Board school situated in Kota.
Students will be given admission to CBSE school (JBS Children’s Paradise School) situated within campus.
SPIRO'S is a premier organization established and conceived with a pioneering vision to meet all the needs of MEDICAL, ENGINEERING aspirants under one roof. Every child’s meritorious education and brilliant career are our primary concerns.We started in 2005 as SPIRO PRIME EDUCATION INSTITUTES (a unit of SPIRO Groups of companies)with a vision to help students appearing for the Tamilnadu professional course Entrance Examination for admission to Engineering and Medical Colleges in Tamilnadu.