For Admissions:
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During the online payment through credit/debit card if the payment gets debited and the internet goes down due to some external server malfunction or any other similar happening.
The system fails to generate the required acknowledgment due to internet malfunction.
The payment gets deducted from the payer's account and does not reach the institute's account or payment gets debited twice due to server error.
We shall not be responsible in any case until the course fee paid by student or parent is credited in to the Bank Account of the institute. If credited into our account, the refund policy will be applicable as per the institute norms.
SPIRO'S is a premier organization established and conceived with a pioneering vision to meet all the needs of MEDICAL, ENGINEERING aspirants under one roof. Every child’s meritorious education and brilliant career are our primary concerns.We started in 2005 as SPIRO PRIME EDUCATION INSTITUTES (a unit of SPIRO Groups of companies)with a vision to help students appearing for the Tamilnadu professional course Entrance Examination for admission to Engineering and Medical Colleges in Tamilnadu.